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IV Therapy Migraine Relief

About the Migraine IV

This custom IV was specially formulated by Emergency Medicine Physician and IVme Medical Director, Scott Yilk, M.D., to provide a safe and comfortable alternative to the ER.

The IVme Migraine IV starts with one to two liters of fluids and is then customized with a prescribed combination of vitamins, medicines and nutrients after a careful review of your medical history, symptoms and vitals by our medical team. All additions are included in the price of the Migraine IV. Oxygen may be included in your visit depending upon your health assessment.

Customer Testimonial

“I am a chronic migraine sufferer and IV therapy changed my life. Every choice I make, every minute of every day is dictated by and formatted around migraine headaches. There is nothing I haven’t tried or wouldn’t try to rid my body of this pain. I couldn’t have designed a more perfect experience for migraine sufferers than IVme. When given the choice of treatment for my migraines, I will always choose IV therapy.”

Provides safe and fast relief

Can help relieve:

– Pain
– Nausea
– Vomiting
– Sensitivity to light
– Sensitivity to sound

Helps With:

– Migraine headaches
– Chronic headaches
– Sinus headaches
– Tension migraine
– Aura migraine

Your Migraine IV Experience at IVme

1. Appointments are recommended and walk-ins are welcome.
2. You will be greeted by our friendly Patient Specialists to get you checked into our HIPAA-compliant medical records system and capture the reason for your visit.
3. After registering, our medical staff member will accompany you to the IV Start Room to assess your symptoms, medical history and vitals and then recommend a Doctor-prescribed IV targeted to relieve your symptoms.
4. Our medical staff will then administer your Migraine IV. You should expect a small pinch, although often customers tell us they feel nothing at all.
5. After your IV is administered, you will be led to a private and quiet room to relax while your body takes in the hydration, medicines and nutrients leading to almost immediate relief.
6. The Migraine IV takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Our team will complete regular check-ins to monitor the drip and your progress.
7. When your Migraine drip is complete, our medical staff will gently remove the IV and apply a sterile gauze pad and coban.
8. On your way out, please stop at the front desk to check out; IVme accepts cash and credit. If you are adding IV therapy as prophylaxis, consider scheduling your next appointment within 2 to 4 weeks.
9. Your opinion matters to us and we would greatly appreciate a Google Review. Tipping is also an option (but not expected) for patients who found their experience exceptional.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IV Hydration?

IV, or intravenous hydration therapy is a medical treatment that delivers fluids directly into a vein by way of a soft plastic catheter (which quickly replaces the initial needle), tube, and bag of fluids. It’s the fastest way to deliver fluid replacement throughout the body. Chances are pretty high that you have either experienced an IV or know someone who has, and witnessed how quickly IVs help a person bounce back and feel great. That’s the benefit of IV hydration therapy: it is the fastest way to restore your body’s fluid levels and get you feeling back to yourself.

Is IV Hydration a new treatment?

Intravenous therapy has been practiced by physicians for over a hundred years with it becoming widely acceptable and used in hospitals in the mid-1900s. Considering that about 80% of hospitalized patients receive IV Therapy, chances are high that you or someone you know has experienced firsthand the rapid relief and recovery benefits of IV therapy. While IV hydration is a widely practiced and minimally invasive procedure, it still requires the knowledge of experienced experts who a) are medically trained, experienced and credentialed, b) know how to assess a patient’s vitals and health history to make sure an IV is the right form of treatment, and c) follow the best procedures and protocols for administering IVs safely and comfortably. IVme has been administering IV Hydration Therapy since 2012, was the first hydration center in the Midwest and the third in the country, and has been used as the role model for other IV centers opening across the country.

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